heya jammers!and iria,if your reading this,you must love it.......-drum roll-THE BUDDY OF THE MOTH IS OUR BELOVED AUTHOR,IRIA!iria is amazing,and shes a great author.and iria,if you want you can write a fashoin artical on this blog.and alos,if you want to see my rare new piece of clothing for your blog,i dont mind if you take a picture of it.thanks fr being awesome,iria
Thank you so much for making me the Jammer of the Month! Thank you for those kind words meg4hope. :) I'm thrilled to write a fashion article and certainly would like to feature your clothing on AJ Fashions, meg4hope. I feel so appreciated right now =D.
ReplyDeleteyay! congrats!! when you post the article on fashion, be sure to mention how great Reese Orange and Brown look on just about everyone!!