Tuesday, March 6, 2012

bad news

hey jammers.i no ur exited about wolrock already.but heres the thing.none of my other blogs are that well........so im not making them anymore or im taking a super long break.ok jammers.have fun with wolfrock!just sedn her buddie request and shell add u like she added me(mayby)


  1. wahhhhhhhh!! I just started following you!!
    *sniff* Let's meet up on AJ and share a reese cup, k?

  2. This blog rocks.... I'm sad about that :'( anyway, do you think you could add me? I'm Autumnbunnyxo with my wolf, Victory Desertstar! Find me on animal jam!

  3. I'm HARD to catch! Tip: me love servers BELAYA and TIGRIS
