Tuesday, March 6, 2012

hey jammers,this is an important post of wolrock12 fans!

hey jammers!im feeling pretty gossipy and bloggy.i have a great thin got tell.this blog was imspired by a very famous blogger:wolfrock12!i know what your thinking,"oh her,she quit!why are you posting about her now?".ya well,here what youll be thinking after this post:OMG OMG OMG!IM GOING ON AJ AND SEARCHING HER NOW!"ya,seriously,you will.i bet u all of tiggerkats reeses cups that im right!(ok,tiggerkat wll never give me or you any reeses anyway.she loves em to much!)ok here it is:WOLFROCK STILL PLAYS ON AJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thats right,jammers!-applause-wolfrock stil goes on aj!and i have proof!a)wolfrock has a penguin(she quit befor penguins came out)b)she has a horse(again,befor she quit)c)she has elf tail armor!(ya we all no that she quit wayyyyy befor march.and she has green like me!)d,also my favorte-drum roll-SHE ADDED ME!OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!SHE........ADDED.........-faints-


  1. Phew!! You broke me out in a sweat at first when I saw you betting all my reese cups!!!! My heart is racing! I have to go now, count my reese cups, be sure they are all there............

  2. OMG! Hope4meg can you tell her to add me? - Creature
